Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reflection no.8

4) Project Strategy Of Teaching


“A project is any activity, individual or group, involving the investigation and solution of problems, planned and carried out to conclusion under the guidance of the teacher.”
-Callahan & Clark.

Features of a Project Strategy/method

1.      It extends beyond classroom teaching.
2.      The method is carried out in natural setting or real life situations.
3.      This method involves investigation and solution to practical problems.
4.      It demands and ensures active participation from the students.
5.      Involves effective interaction between the student and the social environment.
6.      Creates an opportunity to acquire or practice social skills.
7.      Enables the students to study functional aspects of the subjects learnt.
8.      The teacher acts as a facilitator or a guide and thus promotes independent learning.

Principles of Project Strategy/method

1.      Principle of utility: The project method attempts to study and investigate a practical problem or a situation. The problem/situation is concrete and not just abstract. The project should yield results, which are useful to the learner.

2.      Principle of readiness: The teacher presents a set of tasks and the students are given the opportunity to choose one for the purpose of project. The option offered to the students to choose an area depending on their own interest and choice ensures the readiness and willingness to work on a certain project.

3.      Principle of Learning by doing: Since this method of teaching provides an opportunity for the learners to have a direct contact with the learning situation or the context of learning, the learners acquire knowledge and skills through practical experience. Learning becomes more realistic and it makes learning more enriching and memorable.

4.      Principle of Freedom at Work: The teacher acts only as a guide and facilitator in using this method of teaching. The students enjoy a high degree of freedom and it facilitates the emotional and intellectual development process in the learners. The learners learn to be accountable and responsible of their own obligations and develop a sense of belongingness to the work assigned.

5.      Principle of Socialization: The project work method provides an opportunity for the learners to come into direct contact with the social environment. This demands a lot of interaction within the learners themselves and also with the social environment. Such effective social interaction enables the learners to acquire social skills necessary to adjust and live in a society.

Types of project work
There are four types of project work mentioned by Dr. W.H. Kilpatrick (1918:

A.    Projects involving construction or production of a useful article/object to “embody some or plan in external form”—Produce Type.
B.     Projects providing opportunities for appreciation of some aesthetic experience—Consumer Type.
C.     Projects involving study and investigation of practical situations/problems-Investigation Type.
D.    Projects providing opportunities for mastery of certain skills—Drill Type.

Note: in educational instituition, mostly A(produce type) & C (investigation type) are used.

The Investigation Type of Project Work – Stages (Diana & L. Booth)

 Stage I: Classroom Planning

Step 1: Providing a set of tasks/problems for study
Step 2: Selecting a task/problem for study
Step 3: Formulation of hypothesis (for problems undertaken)
Step4: Planning/designing methods to investigate

Stage II: Execution

Step 1: Collection of data
Step 2: Organizing and interpreting data
Step 3: Review

Step III: Conclusion

Step 1: reporting and incorporating additions/deletions
Step 2: Evaluation

Implemented properly, this method will ensure that learning becomes an enjoyable and an enriching experience.

How to plan a project work?

Planning preceeds action, a careful planning is essential for a project work. This helps to smooth the process and successful accomplishment of the task. The planning of the project work involves the following steps:

A.   How to select topics?
       While selecting the topics for project work the following points should be considered:

i.                    The topic should be related to the syllabus content.
ii.                  The topic should be appropriate to the class level.
iii.                The information on the topic should be available in the school and the community.
iv.                Students should be given a range of specific topics to choose from.
v.                  The topic should enhance the application of the concept learnt in the classroom.

B.   What is the format for the project work write up?
The format for project work write up should include the following parts.

i.                    Title
ii.                  Table of contents
iii.                Introduction (what is the topic about? Why is it chosen?)
iv.                Method      -How is the information collected?
                              -How is the information sorted out?
                              -How is the information analyzed?
Present information collected on the topic in a logical order. There could be sub-topics. If illustrations are to be used, they should be put wherever they are appropriate. The way in which the information is organized and presented may differ from subject to subject.
v.                  Conclusion. The conclusion should reflect the following:
a.       Summary of the findings
b.      Students’ experiences and opinion regarding the project work such as how he/she found the project work (difficult, challenging), how it has been beneficial to his/her learning.

vi.                 Acknowledgement
a.       Recognition of the help received

vii.               References
a.       List of the sources of information

C. How to collect information?

To collect information for the project work, the students should:
i.                    know what information to collect
ii.                  identify possible sources of information (persons, places, books, etc.)
iii.                develop some questions to collect the information
iv.                plan field visits if any
v.                  keep notes of observations, interviews, readings
vi.                collect samples
vii.              make sketches, tables, graphs and diagrams related to the topic.

D.   How to compile information for presentation?
The information that is appropriate and relevant to the project topic should be presented:
i.                    sort out and select the important information
ii.                  put the information order
iii.                use the information for writing the project work

E.   There are Dos and DON’Ts while writing project work:

i.                    The project work should be written on a fullscap paper in the students’ own handwriting.
ii.                  The project work should be written in students’ own words and not copied directly from the books except for quotes.
iii.                Necessary illustrations should be drawn or sketched with pencil.
iv.                The students can use simple colours.

i.                    Use of pictures cut from books and magazines available in schools and photocopying should not be allowed.
ii.                  Students should not do unnecessary decorations of their project work using sketch and marker pens.
iii.                Students should not decorate the cover page using glossy and colour paper.
iv.                Students should not use folders and folders to enclose the project work.

When do you assess the project work?

The assessment of the project work should begin from the time the students start planning the project work and will end with the assessment of the final project work.

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