Monday, April 30, 2012

Reflection no.11


The learning cycle

For teaching the main question I ask are:

  1. What are the expected learning outcomes?
  2. What information I give, how and when?
  3. How students gain experience by using the information?
  4. How I assess the student's learning?
What is teaching?

What are the purposes of lesson introduction, lesson development and lesson closure?
  1. Outline the lesson content
  2. Connect with previous lesson
  3. Arouse curiosity
  4. Motivate children to learn
Why organize learning activities?

Instruction simulation

Role play/games}Simulation=imitation, reproduction and modeling
Simulation is the imitation of some real thing or process.

An instructional simulation, also called an education simulation, is a simulation of some type of reality (system/environment) but which also includes instructional elements that help a learner explore, navigate/ obtain more information about that system/environment that cannot generally be acquired from mere experimentation. It is goal oriented.

Principles of instruction simulation:

Procedural steps of simulation:

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